This book is the first book that our local book club decided to take on. It is a hartwarming story about how you should NOT judge a book by its cover, because you never know the places it's been.
Throughout the book we follow a young, somewhat overweight boy, named Owen. Now as we find out Owen is quite the genius. So smart even, that he isn't allowed to tell other people his IQ for his mother's fear that they'll feel stupid. Owen hasn't ever been one to have friends, he's sort of a loner at school. People always make fun of Owen, and sort of downgrade him because of his size. However, Owen has one happy moment each day, one moment of bliss where he can just smile and say, this is nice; That one moment is where he eats his three Oreo cookies every day at lunch. Soon after he starts eating his cookies... the begin to dissapear. It is up to Owen to find some way to catch the person stealing his cookies.
One other interesting character we meet in the book, is Owen's sister "Jeremy" whose actual name is Caitlin, but rather prefers to dress and ACT like a boy. As you see she is a member of the GWAB club, otherwise known as girls who are boys.
Early on in the book, Owen mentions a certain invention of his that he's been working on, it is called "Nemisis." It's not until later however, that we find out the mystery behind Nemisis, and what it does.
Another person throughout the book, that tends to get judged a lot, is the new kid at school. His name is Mason Ragg. He seems to be a scary, bully type of person who is very anti-social. But later on in the book, we find out that there is a different story to this Mason kid. He has his own stories to tell.
This book is a very good fictional book, and it teaches us all about judgement, and bullying. Both of which are very bad things. This book is also a quick read, it's just a short little book, and it's very easy to understand. This is actually the second time I have read this book, but it's still just as good as when I first checked it out!! :P
I saw this book at Barnes&Noble and it looked really interesting but I didn't know if I should buy it or not and then i read your review and now will probably buy it! :)